At long last Cafes and shops are starting to trade again albeit in a different way. The Rumblin' Tum in Ardrishaig is now back for takeaways and Lucy's in Ardfern is finally able to establish themselves, having only just opened as the lockdown was imposed.
Both these establishments sell my preserves, and Lucy serves my jam on her scones etc as well. Hopefully we will soon get into Farmers' Markets and craft fairs again, as life gets back to normal. As you can see from the picture I have bought a van so I can deliver the wholesale jams and also it will make it easier to transport the gazebo and associated paraphernalia to markets. I am quite proud of my van, although it must be said, so far it has spent longer at the garage getting fixed than it has on our driveway! I had to get the signs on it otherwise I couldn't recognise it in a carpark! 😂
The Online sales through this website have really taken off, and I delight in every order I get. It is lovely to be able to post my jam, marmalade and chutneys all round the UK. I am always interested to learn how people found me. Some tell me and others do not. There is only me. It is not as if I am a big factory with a massive advertising budget! Sometimes people have been in the area previously and bought jam at the Farmers' Market or in a local store. Others have received jams as gifts and then choose to order some more.